Past Events

Be a #HealthcareVoter

Be a #HealthcareVoter

We’re glad to have you as part of #SickofItTX and a champion for health coverage in...

Southern Solidarity Community Vigils

Southern Solidarity Community Vigils

Thursday, October 1, 2020 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm local time The vigils will feature a stunning...

Block Walks for Healthcare

Block Walks for Healthcare

On November 9 and 10, 2019, Texans  fanned out across the state, to talk to their neighbors about...

COVID-19 in Black and Latino Communities Town Hall

COVID-19 in Black and Latino Communities Town Hall

Watch our town hall from May 28 on Facebook Live.  The myth of COVID-19 being the great equalizer...

#MedEx4TX Virtual Rally

#MedEx4TX Virtual Rally

Watch our virtual rally from May 5 on Facebook Live. Over 2,100 people so far have tuned in...

Southern Solidarity Vigil for Medicaid Expansion

Southern Solidarity Vigil for Medicaid Expansion

#South4MedEx HEALTHCARE CAN’T WAIT The South has the nation’s highest uninsured rates, overwhelming rates of poverty, chronic health...

Townhall: Keep Your Health Care!

Townhall: Keep Your Health Care!

It’s time for millions of Texans to renew Medicaid. Listen to a recording of our townhall to make...

Take Racism Out of Healthcare Town Hall

Take Racism Out of Healthcare Town Hall

Watch our town hall from July 31 on Facebook Live.  For years we have heard about how our system inflicts poor...

Posted in Past Events.