COVID-19 in Black and Latino Communities Town Hall

Watch our town hall from May 28 on Facebook Live. 

The myth of COVID-19 being the great equalizer has to end! Black and Latino communities are bearing the brunt of this COVID19 pandemic.

The system was broken before COVID, but we are witnessing and experiencing previous disparities in starker ways in disproportionately higher rates of contraction and death.From grocery workers to home healthcare workers, delivery drivers, and janitors, we are asked to show up to work and yet denied protective gear, sanitizers, hazard pay or health insurance.

Watch our conversation with medical and public health professionals about addressing the disparities of our healthcare system, effects of COVID-19, and resources to protect Black and Latino communities in Texas.

COVID-19 Town Hall with Texas Organizing Project and #SickofItTX

Posted in #MedEx4TX, COVID-19, Past Events, Town Halls.