Action Alert: Call Speaker Phelan!

Your advocacy moved Texas leaders to act and address our healthcare crisis. The House just passed two bills that improve coverage for children and extend coverage for mothers. Our collective efforts achieved this!

Now it's time for us to demand that the House finish the job for over 1.4 million low-income Texans who still have no access to healthcare coverage. They need to hear from people like you across the state that Texans can’t wait two more years for healthcare. We need coverage expansion NOW!

Call Speaker Phelan now at (877) 403-1187
& tell him:

Texans can't wait another two years to access health care. You must pass coverage expansion this session to provide coverage access to our families, friends, and neighbors. Texas can’t recover if Texans aren’t covered.

Posted in Dade Phelan, Healthcare, Past Actions, Texas.