The Children’s Coverage Bill Needs Your Support!

A great children’s coverage bill is running out of time to pass this legislative session. HB 290 by Rep. Philip Cortez protects eligible kids from being kicked off of their Medicaid insurance, and it needs your help right now!

On April 15th, the Texas House overwhelmingly passed this bill. The Senate must now act quickly to pass the bill this session. The clock is ticking & kids’ coverage can't wait.

When children are needlessly pushed off of their coverage they lose access to doctors visits, critical therapies, vision support like glasses, and even the prescription inhalers that help them breathe. The Texas Legislature can help them by passing HB 290 this session.

Kids' lives are on the line - what are we waiting for?

Kids shouldn’t lose coverage because of red tape or politics. Join us in urging the Governor, Lt. Governor, and your Senator to say YES to HB 290. We encourage you to personalize your letter below.

Posted in Past Actions.