In March of 2010, the US enacted the largest healthcare reform in a century: the Affordable Care Act. Since then, Texas leaders have had every opportunity and reason to expand Medicaid eligibility and cover nearly one million Texas who have no other affordable healthcare options. But our lawmakers repeatedly refused to do so for purely political reasons.

How do we overcome that? By raising our voices together and making sure Texas leaders know their constituents are counting on them to fix our healthcare system. We created this resource to help you do just that. Postcard parties are a fun and effective way to grab lawmakers' attention. Your messages will remind your representatives why they were elected, remind them Texans still want healthcare reform, and help sway anyone who's on the fence about publicly supporting policies like Medicaid expansion.

This affects all of us. Decades of research show that Medicaid expansion benefits our health, supports our health systems, and strengthens our economy.


We pay millions in federal taxes that fund Medicaid expansion in 40 other states but don't come back to Texas. By expanding Medicaid, Texas brings in federal dollars that could help our hospitals keep their doors open, help keep local taxes down, and connect one million of our neighbors to health care.

Several studies have shown that people living in states without Medicaid expansion suffer from worse health outcomes, die from treatable illnesses, and take on more medical debt.

Plan Your Postcard Party

We made a toolkit to make it easy for you to host a successful Postcard Party, with everything from a planning checklists to printable postcards, from sample messages to social media posts.

Your Checklist

What If I Can't Host At Home?

Postcard parties can happen anywhere! You can host one at a friend's house, at a park, at your local library, in a coffee shop, or in a community center.

Your Invitations

Here are a few ways you can invite people:

  • Create a Facebook event
  • Email an invitation out
  • Send a group text
  • Call or text your friends to follow up on your FB invitation or email
  • Ask your friends to invite other friends
  • Invite your neighbors by posting a flyer at local businesses and community centers

Make Your Postcards

Make Your Voice Heard

This is one of the most important steps. You've put a lot of effort into making beautiful, effective postcards. Now this step creates public accountability and ensures the public knows we're calling on legislators to expand Medicaid so our voices are harder to ignore. Include a photo of your postcard(s) or postcard party, and be sure to tag your legislator.

Sample Tweets

Proud to call on [@your legislator] to expand Medicaid. It's long past time to make sure Texans have a shot to stay healthy. Let's get it done! #SickOfItTX #txlege #MedEx4TX [@your legislator]

We are your constituents [@your legislator], and we hosted a postcard party in support of #MedEx. All Texans deserve the chance to see a doctor when they need to. It's long past time! #SickOfItTX, #txlege #MedEx4TX

Make sure to use these hashtags when posting on social media so we can reshare and elevate your voice!

#SickOfItTX #txlege #MedEx4TX

How Did It Go?

Please let us know if you sent postcards to your representatives. We like to know who's hearing from their constituents and how they're responding.

Do you have questions, feedback, or comments about how we can make this process better? We'd love to hear from you. If you have a simple question, you can reach us at If you want to leave more extensive feedback, please use the form below. Thanks!