About Us

Sick of It TX Join UsWho We Are

We’re Sick of it, Texas! and we dream of a Texas where all of us have affordable, reliable, and quality health care.

We are a project of The Afiya Center, Children's Defense Fund-Texas, Every Texan, National Nurses United, Texas Organizing Project, and Young Invincibles.

Why This Matters

Texans shouldn't have to choose between their health and their other bills—but this is the reality for millions of us. Our state boasts the highest uninsured rate in the nation across the board—and it's the direct result of our leaders' policy decisions. Texas is holds some of the toughest rules to access Medicaid, and it's one of only 12 states that continues to reject Medicaid expansion, leaving more than one million of our neighbors with zero options for affordable health insurance. When Texas leaders prioritize our health, it strengthens our health systems and benefits all of us.

What We Do

We provide the information and resources Texans need to take care of themselves, in spite of how confusing and restrictive our current health system is. We make sure Texans understand their rights, get the best care available to them, and have the tools they need to advocate for themselves.

Our campaign also gives Texans a platform to share their health experiences and raise our collective voices for health justice. In 2021, our work motivated the Texas House Speaker to prioritize healthcare coverage for the first time in over a decade. We secured wins that extended Medicaid coverage for pregnant Texans and tore down red tape in Children's Medicaid. We center Texans' experiences with health care across all our work.

How You Can Help

Click below to join us, and visit our Take Action page to participate our latest actions.