Block Walks for Health Care

On November 9 and 10, 2019, Texans  fanned out across the state, to talk to their neighbors about the health coverage crisis we face in Texas. The block walks are part of the statewide #SickOfItTX campaign, which aims to make health coverage for all Texans the number one issue in the 2021 legislative session. Block walkers knocked on more than 2,000 doors over the course of the weekend.

With more than 5 million uninsured children and adults, Texas ranks worst for health coverage of any state in the nation. Sadly, the state’s rate and number of uninsured people keeps going in the wrong direction, and since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in Texas, as many as 1.6 MORE Texans have become uninsured. And as the number of unemployed and uninsured Texans continues to grow, the governor still refused to expand Medicaid! #SickofitTX advocates want a future where the Legislature ensures that all Texans have access to affordable coverage, especially low-income workers who have no access to any kind of coverage.

Block walks took place in the following communities:

Saturday, November 9

  • Austin
  • McAllen

Sunday, November 10

  • Dallas
  • Houston
  • San Antonio

“Texas for years has had the highest uninsured rate in the nation, a dismal statistic that shows the lack of attention toward and investment in healthcare for those who need it most in our state, especially working-class people of color,” Teresa Cox, a Dallas County healthcare leader with the Texas Organizing Project. “In the coming months, TOP members like myself look forward to rolling up our sleeves, knocking on doors, and amplifying the voices of Texans who lack the quality, affordable healthcare they deserve.”

Posted in #MedEx4TX, Block Walks, Health Insurance, Healthcare, Medicaid Expansion, Past Events, Real Texans, Texas.