Texas House votes Thurs. on healthcare expansion

Call your Texas representative now!

Thursday, April 22 is a big day: the Texas House is voting to expand healthcare coverage to over one million Texans. Leaders will vote on whether to amend the state budget to include healthcare expansion. The budget is a statement of Texas’ values. We need to let our leaders know it must include healthcare for low-wage Texans who can’t afford insurance.

Join us in contacting your House representative. Ask them to vote YES on floor amendments to expand healthcare coverage. We need your help rallying support for this. Our families, neighbors, and friends can’t wait two more years for healthcare.

Call your TX representative and Speaker Phelan now. See below for a sample script and to connect directly with your state representative. Let’s let our leaders know their constituents are paying attention.

Gavel and TX flag with text to tell TX leaders to invest in TX health

Make your call:

Posted in #MedEx4TX, Past Actions.