#MEDEX4TX Virtual Rally

Watch our virtual rally from May 5 on Facebook Live. Over 2,100 people so far have tuned in as we raise our voices to Gov. Abbott and tell him to expand Medicaid now!

No matter what we look like, where we live, or what’s in our wallets, getting sick reminds us that we are all human beings living in a moment. During this moment, we need to stand together and work together more than ever before. This means demanding the health coverage that our neighbors and loved ones so desperately need to get through this crisis and beyond.

Speakers included lawmakers, advocates, and Texans who, like millions of others in our state, deserve health coverage NOW.

Event Co-Hosts include: Children’s Defense Fund – Texas, Center for Public Policy Priorities, Texas Organizing Project Education Fund, #SickOfItTX, Texas AFL-CIO, Mental Health America of Greater Dallas, Indivisible Austin, NAMI Texas, Coalition of Texans with Disabilities, Texas Alliance for Retired Americans, Progress Texas, Young Invincibles, Center for Civic & Public Policy Improvement, ADAPT, NASW, Texas Impact, Cover Texas Now, MomsRising, Personal Attendant Coalition of Texas

MedEx4TX Virtual Rally on May 5, 2020

Posted in #MedEx4TX, Health Insurance, Healthcare, Medicaid Expansion, Past Events, Rallies, Real Texans, Texas.